Well, it's been a while since I've been on here. Now that I have a new computer, maybe my postings will occur more frequently.
I don't believe much has really happended here though.....The three boys are all out on their own and doing well. A couple job changes for Shane and Cody and another room finished in Jake and Julie's farmhouse (need to get some pics!).
I am still stitching and have taken up knitting (again!) and card making. Also still sewing. Tried crocheting but enjoy knitting more. Made my first sock and made three sets and some thumbless baby mittens (my brother's son and girlfriend are expecting a baby girl, Courtney Nicole in January 2010 so I've been stitching/sewing/knitting items for her shower (which was yesterday). Sadly I neglected to get pics of the finished towel hanger and socks/mittens I made. Guess I'll have to try and remember by camera when I got visit her! My brother's daughter is due in March 2010 so will have to come up with some new ideas for her, she is expecting a girl, but hasn't told us the name yet.
Below are pics of what I cross stitched/sewed for her - basket linder and insert for bath organizer and a pic of the bath organizer I made for a co-worker's grandson due in February 2010 (also made for Courtney but no pic using pink ribbon with lime green stitching).

Well, off to get ready for the NASCAR race and work on some knitting!